Kerŷgma Choir’s album ‘Strumenti tal-Bxara t-Tajba’
An ambitious project completed by the Kerŷgma choir was the production of its first CD album “Strumenti tal-Bxara t-Tajba”. The CD was produced during the summer of 2012 and was launched during the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Kerŷgma Movement. This CD is an evangelisation tool that includes 6 original tracks, four of which were already recorded, a new track and also a new recording of the Kerŷgma Movement prayer. It also includes the backing tracks of the songs. These songs can be a good tool to help one in his spiritual life. It is being sold for the price of €10. (
Track List:
- Talba tal-Moviment Kerŷgma
- Noffri Kull Ma Jien
- Hawn Jien
- Bħal Gawwija
- Aħbar Tajba
- Qalb Sportiva
Talba tal-Moviment Kerŷgma Lyric Video
Kampanja Nazzjonali Solidarjeta’ bl-Isport – CD Compilation
Track List:
1. Qalb Sportiva – Josef Bugeja u Kor Kerŷgma
2. M’hawnx isbaħ – Miriam Christine Borg
3. Maġija fl-Albanija – Renato
4. Spirtu Dehbien – Claudette Pace
5. Rajt warda – David Azzopardi
6. Il-Villa tal-Mulej – Mary Spiteri
7. Maratona – Mike Spiteri
8. L-Anġli tal-Art – Debbie Scerri
9. Mikiel – Enzo Gusman
10. Solidarjetà Sportiva – Incorvaja Sisters
11. Il-Ġublew tal-Ħolqien – Triccas
12. Blanzun Miksur – Ira Losco
13. Waħdek ma tkun qatt – Mark Tonna
14. Idejja t-tnejn – Chiara
15. Id-Dar tal-Providenza: L-akbar realtà – Catherine Vigar
16. Rekord fuq rekord – Marbeck Spiteri u Frederick Camilleri
17. Bewsa minn Betlem – Paul Giordemaina u Giorgina
18. Innu Malti – Kor Santa Monica