PRAYER CAFÉ is an initiative organised by Kerŷgma Movement for adults, couples and youths held every Friday at the Kerŷgma Centre, St. Dominic’s Priory, Rabat, starting at 7.00pm till 8.00pm.
The meetings start off with a cup of coffee accompanied by something sweet. The gospel of the consequent Sunday is then read with the help of slide shows. After this, Fr. Charles Fenech O.P., the Movement’s Spiritual Director shares his reflection on the reading and helps us to apply it to our everyday life. A discussion is then opened among all members. The meeting ends with a short story related to the gospel or else continues with a reflection or short spontaneous prayers
During this hour, everyone is invited so that while we calm down after a week of work, we learn how to be more spiritually healthy and how to become a real disciple of Christ, thus giving witness of this in our daily lives.