All Saints Party
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Event: Bingo Night and Lasagna Dinner
Date: 25th August 2023
Time: 19:00
Donation: €10 per person
Reservation: Call 9910888
Venue: Kerygma Cultural Centre
Get ready for an exciting evening of entertainment, delicious food, and the chance to win fantastic prizes! Our Bingo Night and Lasagna Dinner event, hosted at the Kerygma Cultural Centre, is just around the corner, and we can’t wait to share this wonderful experience with all of you.
Date: On the evening of 25th August 2023, join us at the Kerygma Cultural Centre at 19:00 for a night filled with fun, laughter, and friendly competition. As you indulge in a scrumptious lasagna dinner, you’ll also have the opportunity to test your luck with some exhilarating rounds of bingo.
Donation: Your generous support is greatly appreciated. A donation of €10 per person will contribute towards the initiatives of the Dominican Community in Rabat, to help it continue making a positive impact in our community.
Reservation: To secure your spot for this exciting event, please call 99110888 to make your reservation. Seats are limited, so don’t miss out on this chance to be part of a memorable evening.
Join Us: Gather your friends and family for a delightful evening of entertainment and camaraderie at the Kerygma Cultural Centre. Come enjoy the thrill of the game, the flavors of a delicious lasagna dinner, and the warmth of our community.
We can’t wait to share this special evening with you on the 25th of August. Book your spot now, and let’s make this Bingo Night and Lasagna Dinner at the Kerygma Cultural Centre an unforgettable event!
We’re excited to announce a special event coming up this week! Mark your calendars for a fun-filled BBQ. It will be a wonderful opportunity to come together, meet new and old friends, and have our families enjoy quality time.
We urge everyone to bring along their loved ones and invite others to join in on the fun. We’re gearing up for a fantastic time, and more detailed information and location for the gathering can be found in the poster. We look forward to seeing all of you!
Let’s keep well and keep our spirits high!
In the vibrant tapestry of our community, a myriad of memorable events have brought our community together, fostering unity, faith, and joy. From inspiring liturgical celebrations to enriching educational gatherings, these past events have left an indelible mark on our collective journey. Let us take a moment to reminisce and reflect on the uplifting moments we have shared.
IKtar dettalji hawn:
Kerŷgma Movement organises the “Christian Youth of the Year Award” with the aim of bringing out in the open the Christian commitment amongst youths in the Maltese society.
The Award is open to all youths who show a great sense of commitment in their daily Christian life and are therefore setting a strong example for other youths to emulate.
Attached to this email you will find a copy of the Regulations and the Application Form, so that you can nominate a youth or a group of youths who you believe qualifies and deserves to be nominated for this prestigious award. A copy of the regulations and the application form can be found here:
Applications, photos and documents related to the Christian Youth Award of the Year 2022 must be sent by email to: by not later than Monday, 14 November 2022. These must include a scanned copy of the application form with all necessary signatures. Applications received after this date will not be considered. A hard copy of the application form and other documents must arrive by post at the Kerŷgma Movement by not later than Monday, 21 November 2022.
Il-Passjoni ta’ Kristu bis-sulfarini u mejda tal-appostli!
Nominazzjonijiet Miftuħa
Il-Moviment Kerygma jorganiżża l-“Premju Żagħżugħ tas-Sena” bil-għan li joħroġ fil-beraħ l-impenn taż-żgħażagħ b’mod nisrani fis-soċjetà Maltija.
Il-Premju hu miftuħ għal dawk iż-żgħażagħ kollha li juru sens kbir ta’ impenn fil-ħajja nisranija tagħhom ta’ kuljum u għalhekk jkunu ta’ eżempju qawwi għal żgħażagħ oħra.
Wieħed jista’ jinnommina żagħżugħ jew żagħżugħa li jikkwalifikaw u jimmerithom jkunu nnominati għal dan il-premju prestiġjuż. Niżżel Kopja tar-regolamenti u l-applikazzjoni minn hawn:
L-applikazzjonijiet, ir-ritratti u d-dokumenti relattivi għall-Premju Żagħżugħ tas-Sena 2020 għandhom jintbagħtu b’email fuq sa mhux aktar tard mill-Ġimgħa, 2 ta’ April. Dawn għandhom jinkludu kopja skennjata tal-formola tal-applikazzjoni bil-firem neċessarji. Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu wara din id-data ma jkunux ikkunsidrati. Hard-copy tal-formola tal-applikazzjoni u dokumenti oħra għandhom jaslu bil-posta għand il-Moviment Kerygma sa mhux aktar tard mil-Ġimgħa 9 ta’ April 2021.
Nixtiequ navżaw li minħabba ċ-ċirkostanzi li għaddej minnhom il-pajjiz bħalissa, u d-direttivi li ħarġet l-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta, l-attivitajiet kollha tal-Moviment huma sospiżi ndefinitivament sakemm navżaw mod ieħor.
L-Irtir tar-Randan li konna se norganizzaw bejn l-20 u t-22 ta’Marzu, huwa wkoll ikkanċellat. Dan qed isir bħala prekawzjoni u prudenza lejn il-membri tagħna kollha.
Dawk kollha li bbukkjaw għall-irtir u diġa’ ħallsu, se nirrifondulhom l-ammont li ħallsu.
Bħal dejjem nitolbu lil Madonna tal-Għar biex tħarisna lkoll u l-Maltin kollha minn dan il-virus.