Celebration of the Dominican Family
The Kerŷgma Movement participated in a celebratory mass of the Dominican Family, celebrated by Fr. Francis Micallef O.P. and organised by the Maltese Dominican Province. This celebration was held on Thursday the 7th of November 2013 in the Dominican Church in Birgu, dedicated to the Annunciation. This annual celebration, brings together the various Dominican organisations and communities which form part of the Maltese Dominican Province, St. Pius the 5th. The Kerŷgma Movement participated in the liturgy, especially through the Kerŷgma Adult Choir, which animated the celebration with its music.
Photos: Alfred Debattista
- Mument miċ-ċelebrazzjoni
- Il-kor tal-Moviment Kerŷgma waqt iċ-ċelebrazzjoni
- Mument miċ-ċelebrazzjoni
- Il-kor tal-Moviment Kerŷgma waqt iċ-ċelebrazzjoni
- Il-kor tal-Moviment Kerŷgma