YOUTH OF THE YEAR AWARD 2014 – Nominations now open!
The Kerŷgma Movement, is once again organising the Youth of the Year Award, with the aim of promoting commitment shown by young Christian people in today’s society.
Nominations for the Award are open for young people that show a lot of christian commitment in everyday life.
You can download the Rules, Regulations and Application form, to be able to nominate any young person that you think qualifies for this prestigious award. If you wish to nominate more than one person, you can do this using separate application forms.
The applications and relevant documents for the Youth of the Year Award 2014 have to be received at the Moviment Kerŷgma offices, not later than noon on Friday the 28th of November 2014
Rules, Regulations and Application form
- Premju Żgħażugħ tas-Sena 2013: 31/01/2014: Bernard Borg awardedthe Youth of the Year 2013
- Premju Żgħażugħ tas-Sena 2013 – 31/01/2014: Bernard Borg receiving the trophy from the President of Malta.
- Premju Żgħażugħ tas-Sena 2013 – 31/01/2014: Bernard Borg awarded the Youth of the Year 2013
- Premju Żgħażugħ tas-Sena 2013: 31/01/2014: All nominees together with the Presidentand Fr Charles Fenech OP